Specialist Exclusive focus on Hedge Funds and Alternative UCITS investments.
Experience IAM is a pioneer in absolute return investing. Over a period of more than 35 years, IAM has gained substantial experience and developed an extensive industry network.
Client driven IAM is focused on the development of investment solutions in order to help clients achieve specific risk return targets.
Bespoke solutions IAM’s main objective is to assist clients when investing and help them understand the complex Hedge Fund / Alternative UCITS space. Solutions are tailor made for each client.
IAM Investments Alternative UCITS Platform Our platform aims to bring high quality offshore managers to the UCITS space. All funds are managed by one alternative asset manager selected by IAM and offer daily liquidity. These funds are available to all investor types.
Fund of Alternative Funds IAM manages fund of funds in both Irish AIF and Irish UCITS structures. IAM offers both bespoke FoFs for single institutional investors ( which may combine both offshore and UCITS funds) and commingled UCITS FoFs, which are open to all types of professional investors.
Please click here to access to the IAM Investments Alternative UCITS Platform website.